Words of wisdom

The history of our country’s civilization often mentions of great rishis, saints and savants who became embodiment of truthfulness, pure knowledge and deep humanitarian sense. We respect them and we adore them as they are the sources of inspiration for this nation. But we also need to be in search of living rishis, sages and savants who guide the nation in an era of science and technology completely different from ancient times. In the former President of India, the 83-year old Dr. A.P. J. Kalam, who was honoured with Bharat Ratna in 1997, country’s highest civilian award, we have always wise words for students and the youth of this country. His words are gems that are priceless if our young generation of students, academics, scientists and technocrats care to understand and practise. For example, he says that those in power should not write histories; writing impartial and unbiased history is the job of academics, scholars and those dedicated to the field of knowledge. We are distressed when we are told that our history is distorted and manipulated. Nothing does bigger disservice to the nation than distorting history. Dr. Kalam has been imploring the youth in universities and college to develop scientific temper and change in a way that they fit the needs of contemporary society. Perturbed by the phenomenon of juvenile crème, Dr. Kalam says that it can be arrested by laying proper emphasis on moral teaching which should start first with the parents in the home and then through teachers in schools. Speaking about the big challenges that face humanity, he thinks that science and technological knowledge should have the potential of answering these questions. Giving an example of earthquakes, he says that the task before scientists of different fields, geologists, physicists, environmentalists and others is to predict the happening of earthquakes. So far we have no foolproof evidence that an earthquake can be predicted but the scientists have to apply their mind to it. Likewise there are huge challenges before the present society.  In his latest book ‘Reignited: Scientific Pathways to a Brighter Future’, Dr. Kalam has opened the vast vista of scientific activities that have to be directed towards making the future of humanity brighter and more prosperous.