Work with efficiency, deliver quick results: Ganai to officers

Advisor KA Ganai interacting with a delegation on Tuesday.
Advisor KA Ganai interacting with a delegation on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
Jammu, Sept 25: Advisor to Governor Khursheed Ahmed Ganai today asked the officers to work with efficiency, speed and deliver quick results on the ground on developmental and governance fronts.
He further directed for speedy, time bound and result oriented resolution of the grievances of the people.
The Advisor was interacting with officers and public delegations during the grievance redress camp here in the winter capital.
Around 34 delegations and 30 individuals apprised the Advisor about their grievances and demands related to road connectivity, water supply, power scenario, sanitation, liabilities, revenue issues and others. They sought the intervention of the Advisor in the early redress of the problems.
A Malpur village delegation demanded augmentation of water supply scheme and installation of hand pumps.. Another deputation of Saini Sabha from Arnia sought measures for desilting of irrigation canal and its proper maintenance, functioning of tube wells and up-gradation of power infrastructure in their area.
The residents of village Ghorda of Reasi demanded construction of roads. Inhabitants of village Palli in Samba demanded construction of protection wall along the local nallah and construction of culvert on irrigation canal.
The residents of Landoi Choi area near Jammu Airport and its adjoining areas demanded construction of main drain from airport to downwards upto Bhore camp for improving sanitation conditions.
A deputation from village Tarah, Dansal demanded supply of drinking water and filling of Urdu teacher posts in Government schools in their area.
A deputation from Bhaderwah Colony, Jammu demanded construction of lanes, drains and installation of street lights in their locality.
A deputation of blind teachers projected service related issues. Casual labour/ daily rated workers/need based of PHE department, Rural PHE division-III and Animal Husbandry demanded sought regularization of their services and release of pending wages.
A deputation from NITS Polytechnic College, Miran Sahib urged for filling up of vacant seats in the polytechnic colleges and blacktopping of road in front of NITS Polytechnic College.
Deputation form Jai Durga Automobiles urged for release of payments pending with Agriculture Department.
All India National Awardee Teachers State Unit J&K demanded leave encashment in favour of awardee teachers, representation of awardees in all education committees, two reserved seats in upper house and projected many other issues.
The deputation of OBC Mahasabha urged for enhancement of creamy layer limit from Rs 4.5 lakh to Rs 8.0 lakh on the analogy of Central Government.
All J&K Bowria Biradari demanded for inclusion of Bowria community in the State list of other social castes.
A deputation of Helpline Humanity from migrant camp Jagti demanded land for expanding the library cum book bank and up-gradation of other basic infrastructure. The deputation also demanded counselling centre for youth and old aged persons, implementation of Khelo India scheme at Migrant colonies, health insurances schemes, issuance of RBA certificate to eligible migrant families, filling of vacant posts under PM Employment package.
A deputation of Jammu West Assembly Movement led by Sunil Dimple projected the issues related to law and order situation in the state.
A deputation of village chowkidars demanded for enhancement of their salary form Rs 1500 to Rs 10000 per month
Many other deputations including J&K Agriculture Officers Association, officers from Planning and Monitoring Department, inhabitants of Bilal Colony, Channi Rama, Gidder Gillian from Jammu and several individuals also projected their demands and developmental issues of their areas.
The Advisor gave a patient hearing to the deputations and assured them that their genuine demands will be looked into. He passed on-spot directions for redress of various grievances and directed the officers to maintain close liaison with the local population so that their grievances are redressed at the earliest.
Later, the Advisor convened a meeting with the officers of various departments to review the physical and financial achievements under the schemes of their respective departments.