Work Management

Vinod Verma
The confusion or inability to grasp or learn comes AFTER(ability-fraternity-technicality-eternity-reality) a word that the person did not have defined and understood. Have you ever had the experience of coming to the end of a page and realizing you didn’t know what you had read? Well, somewhere earlier on that page you went past a word that you have no definition for, or an incorrect definition for.
Treating business as an organism, it is discovered to be either sick or well in direct ratio to the inability or ability of its communication system to carry orders, execution and information throughout its entire body. Management sometimes have looked man as an animal to be manipulated with a carrot and a stick. They found that when a man hurts, he will move to avoid pain and say, we’re motivating employees.” You’re not motivating them, you’re moving them. Give employee guide lines, but let them form their own goals. They will work harder to reach them. Penalties and threats provide no enduring solution to performance problems. Any management of anything can raise tone and efficiency by establishing and maintaining zealously as a sacred trust, spiritualism , communication lines through all the group and from outside the group into the group, and from in the group outside the group. Insanity is when you keep doing the same things over and over against and expect to produce different results. Want different effects? Try some different causes. Thoughts are causes. Your life is the effect. There is no reason to withdraw. We have to grow a lot in life and be lively, involve in something bigger than myself something with stability and unlimited potential for growth and power of synchronized output. As symbol of united stance, the imperative need to reinforce the working capabilities and adopting new ways, the need to instill story and enduring values to sustainable and respective model of growth.
Working definition of motivation actually leaves room for two kinds positive and negative. Negative motivation is all around us. Yes owners may be able to force or intimidate employees into performing above the average, but only for a short time. If you take employees for granted and ignore their ideas they will find ways to make you pay attention. Positive motivation- the positive variety is a major component of management puzzle. The ability to get people to give more of themselves than they must is powerful one. People don’t change their behaviour unless it makes a difference for them to do so. If you expect good thing from the workers and give them the tool to succeed, they’ll do you proud. It’s nothing more than treating your employees saying ” I trust you to get your work done”. When we have the finest technology to work with its natural for the best in creating to come alive realized with an endless array of super images that make sense, appear different depending on the viewing angle. All progress is born in enquiry. Doubt is often better than overconfidence, for it leads to enquiry and enquiry leads to invention. In actual like every great enterprise begins with and takes its first forward step in faith. Genius begins great work; labour alone finishes them. Mass customization is the frontier for global workflow which is gateway to create colours to fulfill the idea.
Equality of opportunity for growth, jobs for those who can work, security for those who need it, the ending of the special privilege for the few, the enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress in a wider and constantly rising standard of living. Take responsibility for your present situation, whatever it is, you got yourself into it. If need be you can get yourself out of it. There are two kinds of ablest. One who do the work and others who take the credit. I like to fall in the first status because there is very less competition. When this procedure begins to operate, the tone of group automatically rises, the work goes better, there is less waste, there is more cooperation. All that is necessary is that the communication procedure is carried out. This is big job, but can be done. Far more important than communication devices are communicating people and communicating practice.