Worker is face of organisation: Ram Lal

Excelsior Correspondent
KATRA, Sept 18: On the concluding day of the BJP State level training workshop here, today, party national general secretary (Organisation) Ram Lal was the chief guest.
Addressed the participants he highlighted the role of Party workers. His address was based on the “working system; workers/karyakarta and personality development as perceived by the BJP .
Maintaining that the BJP is a Party with distinct ideology, he said that the Karyakarta is the centre of the organisation. The growth and progress of the party depends on his commitment and dedication for the organisation and the nation. The aim of organising these training workshops is to inculcate the qualities of good citizenship, sensitivity to the peoples’ problems, disciplined life and dedication to the national cause and the ability to build up good organisational network with commitment.
He said that for the Karyakarta the cause of the nation is to be first in his mind.
“Karyakarta is the force of the organisation and he or she is the instrument to establish the party and face the challenges imposed by the adverse circumstances’’, he said. “A Karyakarta is a person who has to face and resolve the problems of general masses at ground level and defeat the adversaries and anti-national forces. It should be remembered that the BJP has a long history of sacrifices for the cause of the nation and as the Karyakarta is face of the organisation and the organisation is known by him or her hence each one of them have to behave cautiously in the public life and set good examples before the people’’, he added.
State general secretary Dr. Narinder Singh, while speaking on the Jammu and Kashmir issue, threw light on the historical aspects of the creation of Jammu and Kashmir State by Maharaja Gulab Singh when he paid Rs. 75lakh to the British rulers on behalf of the Panjab ruler of that time and in lieu of that included Kashmir valley in his empire. He said that the present Kashmir problem is the creation of wrong policies of Pt. Nehru who in order to placate Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah got introduced Article 370 in the Indian Constitution and then entered into accord with him, called as 1952 Accord. He expressed his confidence that with Narendra Modi as Prime Minister the  anti national forces and Pakistan would be given a befitting reply and the country would come over the present turmoil.
BJP State president & MLA Sat Sharma, who chaired the proceedings of different sessions, expressed gratitude to the party activists, local administration and Shrine Board for extending their help and cooperation to organise the workshop.