Working to ensure no casualty, minimum problems: Kumar

Restrictions to save lives, in interest of people
‘JKP one of the best police forces’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 18: Advisor to Governor, Incharge Home Department, K Vijay Kumar said today that during 2010 and 2016 law and order problems, there had been 100 plus casualties in Kashmir valley and prolonged restrictions but this time the Government is working on the bottom line that there is no casualty and people face minimum problems.
In interviews given to national news channels, Kumar, a former Security Advisor of the Union Home Ministry said, whenever there were law and order problems in the Kashmir valley, the situation had been bad like 110 casualties in 2010 but this time the Government was very clear that it had to save lives of the people and restrictions were in their interest.
“We are conscious to the difficulties faced by the people. We can’t say that the people are familiar or used to such situations. But certain measures had to be taken and they were “well thought” and “considered necessary” to ensure that there is no loss of life. Our bottom line was that there should be no loss of life,” Kumar said, adding: “We wanted to save lives.”
Noting that restrictions were greater in 2016 (in the aftermath of Hizbul Mujahideen divisional commander Burhan Wani’s killing), the Advisor said this time there had been clear instructions from the Home Minister (Amit Shah), Governor (Satya Pal Malik) and National Security Advisor (Ajit Doval) that the Government should impose less restrictions.
“On Eid, restrictions were imposed where large gatherings were expected while as much relaxation as possible was given where the gathering was less. All this was done for interest of the people as entry of just one bad guy in the crowd to take advantage of the situation, will have led to disturbances,” he said.
Admitting that usual fervor of Eid and big crowds were not there, the Advisor to Governor, who holds the portfolio of Home Department, said all the curbs were aimed to ensure safety and security of the public.
“The overall interest is only one – to ensure the peace and tranquility in the Valley and security of common man. We sometimes take action that is inevitable. You are well aware of what has happened in the past, during Burhan Wani’s time, so keeping in mind the situation, actions were taken. Every day we are reviewing the situation. We do not take every region equally, it is a customize and localize kind of efforts.”
Kumar also spelt out the Government strategy in dealing with monsters, Over Ground Workers, Under Ground Workers, stone pelters etc citing that Masrat Alam, who was funding the terrorism used to move freely, but was now behind the bars.
Describing Over Ground and Under Ground Workers (of the militants) as “dangerous guys”, he said the Government would act against them.
On re-opening of schools, Kumar said the Government is not opening the entire spectrum of educational institutions and was moving step-by-step.
“It has been decided on the opinion of all officers that we can open junior schools. We are keeping certain factors in mind, we will make sure teachers and students are available and transport is available to them. we will create an ambience of security. On the opinion from ground, we have taken the decision. Moreover, there was a demand from the parents of students to open the schools. The demand has come from them,” he added
He described Jammu and Kashmir police as one of the best police forces with maximum sacrifices right from constables to officers saying it has high quality leadership and there was no resentment at all.
“I would not like to take on international media, or national media, or local media. To me all media is the same in the sense that your ability to show good or bad news. For instance, fake news came on media saying the rift between state police and Central security. This is a highly insidious attempt to create disaffection. It can have negative consequences and that’s what we are worried about. The administration will deal with rumour-mongering very seriously. Further, a photograph was put up showing women protesting against the decision but they were wearing winter clothes. It’s not `Chillai Kallan’ (harsh winter period) in Kashmir this time. Winters are three months away. The photo was fake. Several photographs of some other agitations were also put up,” Kumar said.
On threat from Pakistan, the Advisor said: “When you say adversary, to me it also means people who does all sorts of wrong thing and pretends to be national. Invisible adversaries are equally dangerous. When somebody makes enraging statements and these local guys get encouraged, I don’t mean only people from Kashmir but anti-national elements somewhere in Mumbai or elsewhere, they are equally dangerous. We have to step and tread very very cautiously. That’s where the role of media is to cooperate as it becomes difficult to handle it just by us.”
Kumar said the landline telephones were being restored gradually and the Government will take a decision on restoration of mobile phones in due course of time. “Digital media can be used for rumour mongering. We have to take many aspects into account,” he added.
Referring to the challenges of radicalization, Kumar said there is lot of change.
“We respect the religious leaders but when these elements plant wrong things, we are watching. Couple of days ago there was an Imam who moved and allowed youngsters anti-national things. We arrested him and chastised him legally. There are two approaches – unnoticed and unaware youths, we try to bring them to their family, then there is surrender process, we make them surrender and the other is we bring social welfare groups together to help them re-habilitate,” the Advisor said.
Kumar said the administration was trying to reach out to the people and tell facts to them.
In his message to the people, Kumar said he can assure that there is tremendous goodwill to do in the shortest possible time. “Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) has given a grant for sports to develop it. Once these things will reach to the people, this will bring change. I am confident about that.”