Workplace harassment

Dr Shailla Cannie
“Not all people handle power and money with grace”
“Some use their power to exploit and maltreat, knowing they can get away with it, and some getting off on it.”
Psychological harassment in the workplace is a serious issue now a days. Numerous studies have focused on the two main elements that surround the definition of psychological harassment in the workplace and behaviour of the harasser and the consequences of the victim.
Harassment encompasses all types of offensive behaviour which is intended to upset or show disgrace to another individual. Any behaviour of a person, a group of people, colleagues, neighbours and even the boss or supervisor are also included in harassment and these are all punishable offense. In India, there are several strict bullying in the workplace laws and regulations levied by the legal system. Harassment now takes a big leap away from just the sexual type.
Most of the harassment of employees at work place is perpetrated by the superior officers or senior colleagues against their subordinates. A superior officer and controlling officer is given certain authority to supervise the work of all employees and see that the work is being carried out by all employees as per the desires of the employer. While interacting with the members of the staff the superior officer out of his zeal for excellence makes an attempt knowingly or un wittingly to bring pressure on them that result in hurting the feelings of the employees working under him. When the actions of the superior officers because of his prejudices are targeted against a particular employee, it causes more stress and greater emotional disturbances to the sufferers.
The purpose of this article is to educate all working women in respect of unnoticed psychological or mental harassment. It can start off with increasing individual mental pressure and can lead up to series of obstructions in work which can go on for years and can involve inter departmental teams to create a situation where the employee has no other option but to leave the organization.
Women generally resort to silence because endurance seems a less bitter medicine for them to taste. At the end taking a step would mean not only jeopardizing their relationship with their superior but even could pose a threat to their employment.  It is an irony that sometimes women colleagues resort to slut- shaming the victim just to earn some brownie points or be in good books with the management.
Types: Workplace harassment includes different types of discrimination and acts of violation that are not confined to one specific group. The wide-ranging types of workplace harassment can be loosely categorized into emotional and physical abuse. A common misconception about workplace harassment is that workplace harassment is simply sexual harassment in the context of a workplace. While sexual harassment is a prominent form of workplace harassment, the United States Department of Labor defines workplace harassment as being more than just sexual harassment. The mental or psychological harassment is more dangerous or sometimes fatal for the individual who suffers.
Physical abuse refers to sexual assault and violence on body, while emotional abuse refers to imposing stress and bullying. It is also found that often managers exhibiting harassing behaviour were allowed to maintain their jobs because their behaviour was seen to increase productivity in the short term. Unlike physical harassment, emotional harassment is unnoticeable and also viewed as being more socially acceptable. Naturally, emotional harassment in the workplace gets less attention than physical harassment in the workplace.
The 2014 Workplace Bullying Institute/Zogby national survey shows that 27 percent have experienced workplace bullying in the past, and seven percent of employees currently suffer workplace bullying. In addition, “more than 97% of nurse managers reported experiencing abuse, whereas 60% of retail industry workers, 23% of faculty and university staff, and 53% of business school students reported abuse at work.
The areas of industry in which emotional abuse happens are not limited to one, but rather they range from hospitals, universities, manufacturing plants, research industries, and social service agencies as well.
Effects of Psychological harassment
The effect of psychological harassment could be increased absenteeism, withdrawal behaviours, and conflict, strain which can lead to fatigue, headaches, burnout and anxiety, turnover, loss of productivity, increased costsgreater risk of accidents, incidents and injuries.
The lack of recognition and reward undermines employee confidence in their work and trust in the organization. Employees may feel demoralized or they may quit. An imbalance between effort and reward is a significant contributor to burnout and emotional distress leading to a range of psychological and physical disorders.
Dispersion of malevolent and untrue rumours, scandal or innuendo at the workplace. Isolating an individual socially and professionally in the office.Threatening a person or dominating him/her unfairly. Deliberately discouraging one hindering his/her job.Altering instructions and guidelines constantly.Imposing unrealistic deadlines intentionally to make individual fail.Holding back important information or tenaciously providing wrong information, causing unnecessary pressure on a particular person by assigning heavy workload when others are free, making on sit idle without any work which is also a way to create mental pressure on a worker. Often companies take this way to make their employees surrender for voluntary retirement schemes.
It as well includes intentionally and unreasonably criticizing an individual on regular basis, demeaning someone for their capabilities (in private or in front of colleagues). Holding back deserved leaves, promotions and training. blocking applications for training, leave or promotion.
A mechanism to resolve the differences reduce the conflicts and provide remedies in case of discrimination, harassment and humiliation at workplace benefits the organization as well as the employees. The productivity at any workplace can be enhanced by making the office environment free from harassment and bullying and by safe guarding their dignity rights.
Do not ignore – Silence is not the best defence mechanism in such case as ignoring it with the hope that it will go away will actually escalate the issue. You can either disclose this to a more mature senior who can arrange a face to face meeting with your harasser to diffuse the matter. If things still don’t solve then you need to make a formal complaint.
This too shall pass – This is a crucial stage when you need to take care of your health as your mental health is at its most vulnerable phase. Connect with your friends, family or even professional counsellor and do anything that can keep negative thoughts at bay. You converting into a negative or toxic person would be the biggest victory for your abuser. Hence hang on till the end.
To conclude workplace harassment that women face is not a recent phenomenon as it has existed since centuries. Many women choose the convenient and comfortable path of compromising and fret a lot about consequences whereas very few who feel that their self respect is a non negotiable entity stand up against it. Be happy that you come in that elite list of very few women who speak up.
Last but not the least due to lack of information or even awareness of laws makes it is difficult for women to report such cases as they don’t know where to go to report them.
(The author is Dean Faculty of Nursing, SMVDU Principal, SMVD College of Nursing Kakrayl, katra)