World AIDS Day observed by educational, medical institutions across J&K

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 1: World AIDS Day was observed today by various educational and medical institutions as well as social organizations across Jammu and Kashmir by organizing a number of activities including awareness programmes and theme based slogan and poster making competitions.

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As part of the World AIDS Day, Project Director, J&K AIDS Control Society (JKACS) and other officials called on Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar today and pinned the Red Ribbon on the Advisor. Speaking on the occasion, Bhatnagar said that on World AIDS Day we all need to show solidarity with people living with HIV/AIDS by taking pledge to ‘End Inequalities, End AIDS, End Pandemics’ which is the theme of this year’s World AIDS Day. He added that special focus should be made on reaching people left behind in accessing essential HIV services which is core objective of Red Ribbon campaign.
In the meanwhile, to commemorate the World AIDS Day, JKACS organized several functions and events across J&K in which several activities were held for awareness of general public. At Kala Kendra, Bikram Chowk, the function was inaugurated by Project Director JKACS, Dr Samir Mattoo, in which different activities were held. As part of the function, on spot acrylic as well as water colour painting competitions were held in which students from the Institute of Music and Fine Arts, Jammu participated. Rangoli and Poster making competitions were also organized.
Institute of Dental Sciences, Sehora conducted a series of events to observe World AIDS Day. The programme was organized by the Department of Public Health Dentistry (PHD) and presided over by Dr Sarabjeet Singh, Principal IDS. A short and informative video was showcased portraying different aspects of the disease, its spread, Do’s and Don’ts and likewise. A pledge was taken to work collectively in order to eradicate this disease from society.
On the occasion of World AIDS Day, the fifth multidisciplinary webinar was organized by the Department of Community Medicine, GMC Srinagar. The webinar was inaugurated by Prof Samia Rashid, Principal/Dean GMC. Dr S Muhammad Salim Khan, Professor & HoD Community Medicine gave a keynote address emphasizing the importance of convergence of stakeholders in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Imtiyaz Ahmad Khan, Assistant Director, JK AIDS Control Society gave an overall scenario of HIV/AIDS in J&K and efforts made by JKSACS in the containment of HIV/AIDS.
World AIDS Day was observed across Kashmir hospitals. During the programs, comprehensive health education was given regarding disease and measures to prevent it. Director Health Services Kashmir, Dr Mushtaq Ahmad Rather said that the disease is known while its causes are also known. “It is our duty to aware people of its causes, how it is transmitted and what the implications are. We need to educate our children about the disease,” he said.
Department of Roga Nidana Evum Vikruti Vigyana, Government Ayurvedic Medical College (GAMC) Akhnoor Sangani observed the Day by organizing free HIV testing. Fifteen health seekers were benefitted with the free HIV testing in GAMC &H Akhnoor. AIDS education was provided to women and girls by concerned doctors. The event was followed by video presentations and exhibition, besides slogan writing and poster making competitions.
The Day was celebrated at the Conference Hall of District Hospital Udhampur in order to create awareness among the general masses about HIV AIDS. During the occasion, poster making competition was organized by the hospital administration among the students of Narsingh Dev Institute, Udhampur followed by awareness rally on HIV AIDS.
World AIDS Day was observed at Government College of Education. The event was organized by the NSS unit and Red Ribbon Club of the College.
Slogan Writing and Poster Making Competition was organized on the theme “Ending the HIV epidemic: Equitable Access, Everyone’s Voice”.
Principal Dr Kulvinder Kour appreciated the efforts of the NSS volunteers in organizing such events. She emphasized the importance of happiness to all and especially to HIV+ persons.
Dr Shubhra Jamwal, NSS Nodal Officer urged the students to follow a healthy way of life by preventing themselves from such dreadful diseases.
The program was adroitly conducted by NSS Programme Officer Dr. Shubhra Jamwal along with Prof. Seema Kumari, Prof. Shapia Shameem Bhatti, and Prof. Sarita Dogra where 24 students participated actively.
The judges for the competitions were Prof. Sarita Dogra, Prof. Vinay Lata, and Prof. Radhika Mahajan, Convener of Red Ribbon Club of the college, who presided over valedictory function and awarded the certificates and prizes among the winners of poster making and slogan writing competitions.
First, Second and Third prize was bagged by Swani, Rimpi Devi and Anuradha in Slogan Writing Competition. In Poster Making Competition, First, second and third prize was bagged by Ashika Bajwa, Priya Kotwal, and Shivali Sharma.
To mark the occasion, Government Degree College (GDC) Basohli organized an awareness lecture on AIDS under the patronage of Principal, Dr Nidhi Kotwal. Prof Bhram Dutt briefed the students about the significance of spreading awareness about the HIV/AIDS among people. Dr Sumit Sharma, Medical Officer in Sub District Hospital, Basohli also delivered talk on AIDS He discussed the symptoms, preventions and safety measures of the disease.
JKSPYM, an NGO working in the field of health and development observed Worlds AIDS Day at OST Centre, Psychiatric Hospital, Resham Ghar, Bakshi Nagar. The program was organized to aware and sensitize people on the burning issues of HIV and other blood borne diseases like Hepatitis-C and Abscess. Dr Mannu Arora HoD Psychiatric Hospital Jammu, Dr Abhishek Chouhan Consultant, besides other doctors and staff of OST Centre and JKSPYM interacted with the IDU community members.
The Day was also observed by NSS unit of KC College of Education. The theme was “Prevention is better than cure”. An online quiz competition was conducted on the occasion, under the patronage of Principal Dr Sanjay Tickoo. Around 90 NSS volunteers from different colleges participated in the quiz competition. The participants were given e-certificates.
NSS unit of GGM Science College under the patronage of Principal Dr Ravender Tickoo organized an awareness program on World AIDS Day. The theme for this year was “Ending the HIV Epidemic: Equitable Access, Everyone’s Voice”. NSS volunteers wore and distributed red ribbons, spreading awareness as ribbon is used as the symbol for the solidarity of people living with HIV/AIDS.
World AIDS Day was observed by Red Ribbon Club volunteers of GDC for Women Kathua in collaboration with J&K AIDS Control Society J&K. Dr M S Pathania, Principal of the College briefed the volunteers regarding precautions from this deadly disease. He also conveyed the students that they must carry out the awareness campaign among the people about the HIV virus.
NSS unit and Red Ribbon Club of GDC Jindrah organized a series of activities through online and offline modes in connection with World AIDS Day. NSS volunteers took out a rally in the town to raise awareness among local folks and members of Red Ribbon Club of the College draw posters on current year’s theme of World AIDS Day “End inequalities, End AIDS”.
GDC Thannamandi Red Ribbon Club in collaboration with NSS Unit of the College and Department of Zoology organized Poster making competition to observe the Day. The programme was organized under the patronage of the College Principal Prof (Dr) Javaid Ahmed Qazi.
Red Ribbon Club of GDC Sidhra organized an online poster making competition on World Aids Day. A number of students of different semesters of the College participated in the competition.
Government P G College for Women, Gandhi Nagar under the patronage of Principal Dr Sangita Nagari organized a series of events to mark World AIDS Day. A one-day webinar was conducted on the occasion. Dr Arun Sharma, Medical Superintendent, Maternity Hospital was the key note speaker. He delivered a talk highlighting the causes and prevention of AIDS.
To observe the Day, Red Ribbon Club of GDC Marh organized an online poster-making competition on the theme ‘End Inequalities, End AIDS’, under the supervision of Prof Aekta Gupta, Principal GDC, Marh. In their posters, students displayed messages related to prevention, control and mode of transmission of AIDS.
GDC Ukhral organized an awareness programme on World AIDS Day in the College campus. Patron of the College Dr Ranvijay Singh, in his address, said that knowing Aids and taking precautions is the only cure available to eradicate this menace from the Earth.
Red Ribbon Club and NSS unit of GDC Khour organized a poster making competition on “World Aids Day”. The best posters were made by Arti Bhau, Needhi, Shagun Choudhary and Manat Bhau of Semester 1st. The programme was conducted under the leadership of Principal Prof Rama Badyal.
HKM Government Degree College Bandipora observed World AIDS Day by organizing a program. Dr Gulam Hassan (HoD Biochemistry) while giving an overview about this dreaded disease spoke about its various causes and preventive measures.
Red Ribbion Club of GDC Nagrota organized poster making and slogan writing competition to observe the Day. Speaking on the occasion, Principal Dr Nalini Pathania said that it is the moral responsibility of the students to create awareness among people about this deadly disease.
To observe the Day, Red Ribbon Club of GDC Akhnoor organized a webinar on AIDS. On the occasion, Dr Aksa Rao (HoD English) delivered an informative lecture on AIDS.
In connection with World AIDS Day, Nationalist Youth Farmers Organization (NYFO) organized a seminar on AIDS at Jammu city under the chairmanship of National president Youth Rishi Kilam, who in his address, said that the AIDS is not entirely curable but there are a few measures that can help in prevention because prevention is better than cure.
To mark the occasion, Shiksha Niketan Senior Secondary School, Jeevan Nagar- Jammu organized an online “Intra Section Slogan Writing Competition among the students of all the six sections of Class 6th. The aim of this competition was to develop their knowledge about AIDS and to aware them of its causes and fatal results.
To spread awareness on AIDS, Bhartiya Lok Sangeet Kala Sansthan in close coordination with Sangam Tru Art Production organized one-week special awareness campaign at Rehearsal Hall, Durga Bhawan (Jammu) during which a skit ‘Nai Chetna’ was presented. The BLSKS artists also spread awareness through their songs.