World class Universities

Refer news item ‘Vigorous efforts needed to make Indian Versities World Class’ DE April 19.
It is a puzzle why Indan Universities are not finding a place among top ranking Universities of the world. This question has been widely debated in the country but so far no concrete action has been taken in this regard. There is urgent need to refurbish the image of these institutions of higher learning by way of  requsite staff and infrastructure so that they can compete at international level.
The new Government should focus on the subject on priority basis as it is the demand of youth  of this nation. The youth brigade who is fountain head of idealism have put forth their views clearly in this elections. They wish that Government gives priority to quality education so that they can avail good career opportunities in the country. Besides these universities could attract foreign students in large numbers. This will not only generate foreign exchange but will also stop it from flowing to foreign countries.
Yours etc…
Sunil Sethi