World Photography Day

Dr Akshay Gupta
It’s a World Photography Day, an annual , worldwide celebration of art, science and history of photography,and I thought of sharing the following which has been crossing my mind sometimes now. We live in an era where smart phones have brought camera in everyone’s hands .With the result , there are billions of junk images getting uploaded almost everyday.
Niepce 1826 captured the earliest known permanent photograph using a process called heliography.World Photo Day however originates from the invention of the Daguerreotype(an early method of photography), developed by Frenchmen Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerrein 1839.
The main aim of World Photography Day is to inspire positive change across the world, connecting people and raising awareness through the use of photography. Founded in 2009 by the Australian photographer Korske Ara. 19th August was chosen as, It is the day that the patent of the Daguerreotype was purchased by the French government and proffered it’s free use to the world hence calling it as “Gift that was free to the world” .
Now before we start understanding the need to click good photographs ,let us know the dictionary meaning of the Photographer, after lot of search from different sources , I came across this wonderful definition which I felt appropriate and that epitomize it all, it is in the Urban Dictionary
Photographer… Term often misused to describe a “Camera Owner”Photographer should define to individuals using cameras who are dedicated, show some level of skills, talent , or expertise, and usually persist in taking pictures for extended periods of their life
Buy a piano u aren’t automatically a pianist
Buy a camera and you’re a photographer ?
Look I just got this camera at a garage sale, say cheese, I will be your photographer
Photography can be livelihood (profession),a need for a layman, adjunct in professional career or a passion/ hobby.
Photography as profession
Choose a job u love,and you never have to work a day in your life- Unknown.
Preeminent moments from “Three Idiots”
Farhan : Rancho was right when he said “Pursue excellence, and success will follow, pants down!”
Farhan : If I become a photographer? I’ll just earn less, right? My home will be small, my car will be small.But, Dad, I’ll be happy!I’ll be really happy.Whatever I do, I will be doing it from my heart.
A professional camera , excellence and zeal to imbibe the basics of photography, passion, art, science ,patience, dedication , is all what is required to be a eminent photographer.
Photography for layman
To raise the local issues in community a reasonable art of making photographs is expected from a layman who otherwise is not active in any form of photography. Using images can also be a way to battle against the misinformation. One photograph is powerful enough to not only remind of an event or detail, but can bring you right back to the feelings, sound, and even smells of the moment.
Photography in Orthodontics / Medical Profession
Medical photographs help in documentation of the clinical presentations . They are used in research, publication in scientific journals and teaching. One important purpose is pre and post treatment records of patients . A knowledge to produce perfect color contrast and sufficient resolution to record both soft and hard tissue details, are essential features for a useful dental/medical image. It is important that a dental/medical image precisely records the color that is perceived by the eyes during clinical examination because it helps in distinguishing between heathy and diseased tissues and for recording idealstandardizedprofiles of patient . It is also important to be sure to get white balance and to perfectly orient the camera.
Photography as a hobby
Pursuing photography as a hobby can be very inspiring and relaxing. No matter what kind of camera or equipment you have, you have the potential to become a great photographer. Smart phonephotography as a hobby can be a great source of comfort and can be gratifying also. The more photos you take, the more open minded and creative you will become. Photography may improve the way you communicate with others. If your job is somehow related to Art , photography as a hobby might help you approach your work from a different perspective. It might sound simple, but its true that hobbies have been shown to improve productivity and mental health.
We all are in the era of social distancing. Unending lockdown might feel terrifying but now we have an opportunity to take a hobby that helps us to stay up beat, and keep our minds active, photography is one of the many options to be taken as hobby and just by having a simple attachment of lens with our mobile phones can help us to explore numerous things within in the confines of our homes
Right from insects to flowers to celestial photography, everything is possible with smart phones . But always remember “No matter how sophisticated the camera, the photographer is still the one that makes it.” You don’t take photographs you make photographs.It’s not the camera what matters , but who’s behind the camera.
(The author is Professor and Head Department of Orthodontics IGGDC Jammu)