Wular Conservation – a farce or reality?

Water and water related things often do not leave any trail of the proof of something having been really done or not done with it when it comes to concentrated and one place context . “Darya main daal” is often spoken to convey of no proof or no effort worth noticed. This being a literary interpretation of not much being done with the saving of Wular Lake in Kashmir, however , in fact Division Bench of the High Court has very seriously viewed what in the name of Wular (Lake) conservation is done and has even termed central funds provided for the purpose having been ”wasted”. Now-a-days in the era of RTI and general awareness, things can no longer be afforded to be kept hidden hence a PIL regarding protection of the famous natural Wular Lake is filed in the High Court and which is being heard accordingly to determine the facts about conserving the Lake.
Even though the Government having set up Wular Lake Conservation and Management Authority (WLCMA) for a ”specific purpose” , the Division bench has felt that it has not come up to the expectations of the purpose and the intent instead whatever funds are sent by the Central Government , it has been found wasting the money. This emanates from the very premise of there being no accountability and nor any transparency. Absence of regular austere audits and surprise inspections has apparently accentuated the situation. While the Central Government ,when asked, has paid additional Rs.200 crore and Rs.125 crore having been already spent , ground work of retrieving land and associated works are not found to have been duly attended to. Why should , therefore, the WLCMA not be wound up but not before a thorough probe is made into the dealings is what we feel should be done and ordered on priority basis.