YAIKS shows concern over statement of Chuni on Pandits

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 30: Expressing deep anguish and resentment over the statement given by SOS International Chairman ,Rajiv Chuni, Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj in its meeting here today said that the allegations levelled by him are totally baseless.
The meeting which was chaired by R K Bhat president YAIKS said that there is a strong resentment in the community over the statement as Chuni must understand that Pandits are refugees in their own country for last 27 years and nothing changed for the community since then.
He said the community has been deprived of its basic rights as well as right to vote which Mr Chuni exercises fully.
YAIKS said that Chuni was unnecessary trying to create a wedge among the communities on the behest of some body and he as well as the PoK refuges must understand gravity of the situation as the Kashmiri Pandits became victims of same mindset of which the West Pak refugees and other people from PoK became in 1947 and later in 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars.
The meeting said Pandits were forced to flee from their homes and hearths and their houses were torched even the situation is so grave that presently not only the separatists but the main stream political parties are opposing the resettlement of Pandits in Valley. The statement of Chuni is encouraging such people who basically want to create a wedge among the nationalist people.
The YAIKS said that Chuni was comparing sufferings of PoK refuges with displaced Pandits when the nature of migration is totally different. KPs became victims of a big conspiracy while the PoK refugees became refugees due to participation of Sub Continent.
He said Pandits have all sympathies with PoK refugees but it is disheartening when they publicly oppose our cause as such an attitude is a moral boost for the elements hell bent on disintegration of this nation.