YAIKS warns to take rally from Jammu to Lal Chowk on Oct 21

YAIKS representatives at a press conference at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
YAIKS representatives at a press conference at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 13: Making a scathing attack on Union Government and accusing it of exploiting the plight of displaced Pandits from Valley to gain the mileage in international arena, Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj today warned to intensify the struggle by taking a rally to Lal Chowk, Srinagar on October 21 and hold a week -long protest there.

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The seven -day long protest rally will start from YAIKS Headquarters, Jammu and will pass through Muthi Camp, Jagti Camp, Udhampur Ramban, Qazigund , Mattan, Anantnag before culminating at Lal Chowk , Srinagar , president YAIKS, R K Bhat told reporters here, today.
He said the dismal role of Union Government towards KPs plight coupled with State leaders apathy towards them has compounded their problems day by day.
Terming PM’s return and rehabilitation package a total failure and cruel joke with displaced Pandits, Bhat said the K Ps are losing their identity very fast as they get totally delinked from their moorings due to which a rich civilization of the country which has a history of over 5000 years is going to vanish if immediate steps were not taken to protect it.
Bhat said the intension of Pandits to return is being doubted by the powers at the helm of affairs and no sincere and concrete steps were taken in this regard for last about three decades though every successive Government claimed that Pandits’ return is on top of their agenda.
Posing a question to both State as well as Central Governments, Bhat said how long will it continue and Pandits will remain separated from their native land.
He said the YAIKS is demanding that PM’s return and rehabilitation package be re-structured, redesigned and revised after having a proper dialogue with its representatives. Moreover to make the package meaningful, 3000 more posts be created so that the left over community youth who had applied for the jobs under notifications issued in 2010, 2012, 2017 and so on are adjusted, he added.
He demanded one job for one family because every KP family has suffered due to turmoil. Terming employment package a healing touch, he said it should reach to each and every displaced Pandit family.
Bhat demanded an independent recruitment agency for displaced persons be framed instead of SSRB and Relief Organization and Government should make adjustment in Government services against the posts of Pandit employees who retired in last 28 years, besides SC, ST, OBC and ALC categories be removed from the package.
He also demanded GoI should reserve 3 to 5 percent jobs for displaced Pandits in Central Government and education institutions and one time compensation for over aged youth.
He warned in case the Government failed to hold dialogue over these issues YAIKS will start nation-wide struggle. Those present in the press conference included Sanjay Ganjoo, D N Bhat, Rakesh Roshan, Sanjya Bhat,Sunita Raina, Ashwani Kak etc.