Yearly Predictions for 2016

Aries ( 21st March to 20th April ) 
2016 ushers in with a blissful beginning with positive winds of change. Fringe benefits and overall returns on your investments are likely to keep the cheerful spring on this year. Desire of good life will see you stay focused, undeterred and motivated to move ahead to reach to your goals. However, Ganesha sounds a caution here: with the benevolent Jupiter turning Retrograde, situations may not lead to as win-win as you would want them to be. With life’s ambitions come the challenges as middle of April will keep you busy handling the bottlenecks and chalk out a strategy to tackle obstacles. This could be owing to Mars – ruler of your Sign — turning Retrograde. Challenges will take a pause around the second week of May with Jupiter turning Direct, giving you scope for some introspection. Your aspirational drive must go on, feels Ganesha. At the same time, since Jupiter remains in conjunction with malefic Rahu, great endeavours may not lead to great expectations or results as desired. Jupiter will be more of an influencer than a game changer owing to the Planetary position, which will keep you going and enable you score some brownie points.
Taurus ( 21st April to 21st May )
The placement of Sun and Mercury in the Ninth House from your Sign indicates a flurry of thoughts and ideas occupying your mind, which might lead you to ponder over. Seeming discontent brewing over some time will see positive trends around last week of January. Decoding how to achieve peace through spiritual analysis will help you come up with your own set of formulae to handle life’s situations. In due course, your spiritual inclination shall boost your self-confidence and will enable you stay focused in life. Pressure to meet targets and time management issues call for walking that extra mile for professionals, who will also come across lucrative opportunities. Demanding professional chores may keep you very occupied starting from the second week of January. Work rigors that will put you on your toes will seem unending starting from around middle of April to end of June. Financial issues call for careful analysis. While you will be able to save considerably, household expenditure might increase. While your earning graph witnesses an upward growth, you might spend money for buying comforts and spruce up your living style. You could buy a new vehicle to suit your family needs around the middle of the year.
Gemini ( 22nd May to 21st June )
You may feel a little low-spirited at the start of the year, but still your ability to move ahead with conviction will let you make swift moves in all matters. Ganesha advises you not in act in haste in matters concerning major decisions on either your occupation (business and job) or finance. Even if the first quarter comes with challenges that may concern you, your positive approach lets you reap in benefits in life, though you won’t be witnessing exponential gains. The winds indicate the need to rethink and chalk out future action plans, identifying the chinks in your armor (weakest links) and take corrective measures to achieve goals and missions. While all the action in life will begin around middle of February, the decision to relocate needs a lot of thought and analysis. With major Planets transiting through dual natured Signs during the year, keeping a backup plan ready will come useful when situation demands. While Planetary movements shall favor you from April onwards, with Saturn turning Retrograde from April 1, you will also face bottlenecks in day to day activities. Jupiter turning Direct helps you stay focused. Mercury’s movement around the second quarter shall benefit you with higher growth prospects. Professionals, those employed in various sectors and entrepreneurs will benefit this year.
Cancer ( 22nd June to 22nd July )
The year surely has a lot of positivity in store for you. However, tread with utmost balance, cautions Ganehsa. With Saturn and Jupiter transiting through Dual Natured Signs, it’s going to be a year where highs in fortunes will not follow a constant pattern. The prospects of financial and growth opportunities depend on the competence levels of your associates, too. Steer clear of incompetent and wrong personnel. So, it is advisable to have a back up plan that will come help you in your financial and growth goals. Saturn’s influence shall enable you to do a reality check, which will keep you grounded. Jupiter’s transit and Mars’ journey will have a great impact on the chain of events this year, feels Ganesha. While the Retrograde Jupiter’s effects will not be too pronounced till around mid February, period from around mid February till March 5 may lead to minor setbacks for you. Nevertheless, you will be motivated and make swift moves with your aspirations when Mars commences its journey in its own watery Sign, passionate Scorpio. Professional as well as personal relationships require you to pay attention to sensibilities of people around you, especially those to whom you are emotionally attached.
Leo ( 23rd July to 22nd August )
Ganesha foretells that this year the fire in your belly, the desire to scale new heights and your ability to spot new opportunities would channel you to think beyond and brace up for newer roles. While things may look a bit cloudy in the beginning, in due course, you will be determined to move ahead and put in more hours at work. Staying focused on achieving sustainable financial growth should be your mantra for the year. While you could cash in on financially sound spells, the urge for the nicest things and a lavish lifestyle will tempt you to go on a spending spree, which you must control. While opportunities to fill up your bank account will be ample, you need to keep a checklist on your spending versus earning sheet. Refrain from any sort of emotional obligation and take calculated decisions in money matters. With positive winds indicating good tidings around the last quarter of the year, relationship will see you reaping the fruits of your labor, provided you become choosy in cultivating new relationship. As a whole, the year ends on a positive note.
Virgo ( 23rd August to 22nd Sept)
Your desire to lead a good comfortable and luxurious life will see fruitful results this year. What’s more, Venus, the Planet concerned with finance and good fortune, remaining favorable in the beginning of the year, shall bring you showers of financial happiness. This would, in turn, motivate you to seek more comforts in life. At the same time, relationship issues might worry you. However, your overall satisfactory phase will make you deal with these issues with ease and aim for more. Positive vibes of Jupiter will make you chance upon some lucky breaks and motivate you to grab an opportunity to make progress in your occupation. The road to success however will not be as smooth as you think it would be. Be prepared to counter minor setbacks that come in your way. The time requires you to do some introspection to identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can face new challenges bravely. Health will require your full attention, particularly when Mars transits in Saturn and during the Retrogression of Mars, when past health issues could surface. Take enough preventive steps to gain control of the health situation. You will find some relief, though, towards the end of the year.
Libra ( 23rd Sept to 22nd October ) 
Ganesha foresees that there is a lot of change on the cards for you this year. However, the twist lies in what form the change will come to you. Ganesha says, it will be the clouds of confusion that will make you crack the code of happiness and success. With major Planets – Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu transiting in Dual Natured Signs during the year, the ride will be slightly bumpy. Cheerful aspect is Mercury-your lucky star transits favorably from the beginning of the year, till around February end. The Retrogression of Mercury in between, from January 6 to January 26, as Ganesha views it, is only a phase that will compel you to think better strategies and action plans for higher growth. While Venus, ruler of your sign, also transits favorably for most part of the year, playing your cards masterfully will give you wonderful results. Progress will also be determined by the key roles that your spouse (if married), team members and business associates take up this year. While transit of Mars determines your financial and family prospects this year, it is with whom you choose to tag along professionally and personally will decide the final outcome. Your positive attitude will help you sail smoothly.
Scorpio ( 23rd October to 22nd Nov )
You are in for some surprises this year, foresees Ganesha. While you will tend to accept the harsh realities of life, you will muster courage to brave the challenges as well. As you put up that fight to survive and move ahead, sometimes you will end up battling your own whims. While you will crave for inner peace and tranquility in life, your inherent nature will make you ready for the grind to achieve more. The financial front will present you with more constraints. Flow of monetary resources will concern you and require you to make wise, calculated moves so far as saving for the future is concerned. With Saturn’s transit in Sagittarius and Saturn’s further influence on your financial expenditure pattern, you will need to come to terms with a reality check. While you will be able to achieve financial success and be able to handle it effectively, you will also learn that you need to bite only which you can chew comfortably. Plan finances with long-term view and make enough provision for emergency. Businesspersons should keep plan-B ready in case plan-A fails to work out as you may have expected it to.
Sagittarius ( 23rd Nov to 21st Dec ) 
This year the harder you work the better will be the rewards – both financial and emotional. You will benefit from keeping a check on your hot temper and be very tactful while handling unpleasant situations. Encouraging financial accrual will keep your spirits up this year. Keeping a track on unwarranted expenses and careful financial spending will enable you save for future. Transit of Mars, during the first half of the year, will lead to increase in expenses. Nevertheless, you will chance upon lucrative profit making opportunities, around the second half of the year. Refrain from handling money matters impulsively. New avenues of earning will also boost up your existing revenues. On the relationship front, it is going to be a smooth sail with some exceptional occurrences. Do not make relationship complicated by being over assertive. Letting yourself heard in a composed way without hurting the sensibilities of others, will help you win confidence. Singles will come across a suitable phase of discovering intimate relationship, during the first half of the year. Married couples will have to be very tactful by being receptive to your spouse’s sensibilities and by refraining from being too harsh about their shortcomings.
Capricorn ( 22nd Dec to 20th January )
You may expect an eventful year ahead, feels Ganesha. You will be on the move, financially as well as personally. While the presence of Saturn in Sagittarius only heightens the flux in your financial grind, what is important for you is to work towards increasing your income, in order to meet the escalating expenditure. Since you will need to meet the financial demands of your family as well as your rising personal expenses, it will become essential for you to set short-term as well as long-term financial goals, and work to achieve them. Fathoming your own relationship quotient may become a tricky arena for you, owing to the two-way movement of Mars. Misunderstandings may cause a rift in your relationships, especially if you fail to communicate clearly, which is quite likely. You may also appear as high-headed or egoistic. Nevertheless, you shall be able to achieve a win-win situation, by steering clear of mental reservations of any kind by communicating clearly with your near ones, opines Ganesha. From the health perspective, you ought to take care of even minor problems. Do not neglect anything. Guard against infections and seasonal ailments, and also take proper care to manage chronic ailments.
Aquarius ( 21st January to 18th February )
As per the planetary alignments, Ganesha feels that this year you need to do some deep introspection. The process of contemplations will only you to restore stability in the long run. While exploring opportunities and seeking a concrete direction for growth will keep you occupied, you will be able to review your course from around the second week of January. Time for action commences from January 25 onwards. Monetary aspirations will lead to acquiring more wealth. However the presence of malefic Rahu and that of Ketu in the Second House are going to impact the returns in a negative manner. In addition, Jupiter transiting through the Eighth House sounds a caution to not incur any financial debt because repayment of debt will be a concern. You could apply a loan for asset acquisition or loan for automobile and household requirement, after Jupiter enters Libra. Patiently pursuing ongoing goals and tasks without entertaining major changes related to occupation, whether business or a job, will enable you achieve positive growth. In job, shouldering more responsibility and meticulous approach in work will enable good results. Do not blow your own trumpet, but let your work speak for itself, and recognition will come sooner or later.
Pisces ( 19th February to 20th March )
Some surprises are in store for you this year, whether you are a businessperson or a professional. With you driven towards monetary pursuits, support from unknown quarters furthering your aspirations will be a great morale booster for you. With Mercury turning Retrograde, you will have ample opportunity to analyze your previous business decisions and also review your strategies to move ahead. As lady luck smiles on you, your financial aspirations will be driven by your resolve to add more strength to your financial portfolio. Shouldering more responsibilities will make you more determined and fetch you more support. While sole proprietors of businesses will be better placed, those in a partnership business will have tough times in convincing partner(s) about the strategy for attaining vertical growth. While the first half of the year will bring enterprise challenges, you will get a grasp of future situations during February. This will make you work harder to achieve monetary gains. From relationship point of view, you ought to differentiate a meaningful relationship from a casual one. While the relationship quarter brings in a mixed bag of results, you must handle them tactfully. Though you shall have the cooperation at home and in office, do not take relationships for granted, but be kind and polite.