Yechury calls for end to ”cycle of violence” in Kashmir

Yechury calls for end to ''cycle of violence'' in Kashmir
Yechury calls for end to ''cycle of violence'' in Kashmir

NEW DELHI: Communist Party of India (Marxist) Sitaram Yechury today condemned the killing of young Army officer Ummer Fayaz, who was kidnapped from a family wedding in Kulgam district of south Kashmir yesterday, saying ”this cycle of violence must end”.

In a message to the bereaved family, Mr Yechury said, ”This cycle of violence must end. #Kashmir” The body of the 22-year-old Lieutenant of the Rajputana Rifles, who had joined the Army five months ago was found in Shopian, around 30 km from his village, with bullets injuries this morning.

Hitting out at the drift in the situation in the trouble-torn state, the Left leader tweeted ”Kashmir’s security situation has deteriorated under this Government’s watch. Another young life lost but no sign of accountability from Modi Government?” (AGENCIES)