Yet another blow to JK Medical Corpn!

Neeraj Rohmetra
JAMMU, Feb 23: J&K Medical Supplies Corporation — the organisation, which was supposed to facilitate the procurement of quality drugs and put in place a fool-proof drug testing mechanism is yet to become fully functional and is unlikely to achieve its basic objectives, if steps aren’t initiated to streamline its functioning at the earliest.
Reliable sources said, “the organisation, which came into existence by virtue of a Cabinet decision in May 2013, has been facing pressure from several quarters, which were inimical to its functioning and the final blow came about a month back, when the body was rendered headless during the administrative reshuffle”.
“After getting requisition from the health institutions across the State, the Corporation had done most of the spadework for procurement of quality drugs through e-tendering for the next financial year (2015-16). But, now the entire process has come to a halt”, sources said adding, “the body was also suppose to sign MoU with the Centre for Development of Advance Computing (C-DAC) for keeping track across the supply chain of drugs across the State”.
Sources asserted, “the Corporation had come into being after fake drugs scam hit the State in 2013 and it was desired to have a transparent system in place for purchase of standard drugs, instruments and other equipment required in health care institutions. However, several people who were opposed to the functioning of the Corporation and enjoyed political clout during the previous Coalition Government ensured that the Corporation doesn’t become functional during their tenure”.
“Though several States of the country including Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Rajasthan are using this mechanism for procurement of drugs worth crores of rupees, the systems is yet to become operational in our State”, they said.
The Corporation came into being vide State Cabinet Decision No.130/15/2013 dated May 21, 2013. But, the actual deployment of officers in the Corporation began only in December 2013, when the General Administration Department issued orders deploying two KAS officers as General Managers of the Corporation.
Even the then Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah while chairing the second meeting of the Corporation on June 14, last year had emphasized the need of making it fully functional within shortest possible time so that this body starts rendering its responsibilities meticulously for the public good.
“But no seriousness was shown to make the Corporation functional in real sense”, sources said adding, “the state of affairs can be gauged from the fact that it was only after more than a year after Cabinet decision regarding constitution of J&K Medical Supplies Corporation that the Health and Medical Education Department issued an order No. 453 dated August 1, 2014 for transfer of funds to the Corporation”.
“In August last year, top officials of the Health Ministry had also mooted a proposal to change the structure of the Corporation. While the legal provisions of the Corporation specify that the body has to be headed by an IAS official, the Government wanted to appoint their own nominee to have full control over the body”, sources remarked.
“The Corporation had also finalised an MoU with CDAC for implementation of e-Aushadhi – the web Supply Chain Management System, which ensures the top management controls with greater transparency and better monitoring over the drug distribution process. The system, which is prevalent in several States provide transparency in purchase, inventory management and distribution of various drugs  and surgical items to various District Drug Warehouses (DDWs), medical colleges, district hospitals, Community Health Centres (CHCs), Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and Drug Distribution Centres (DDCs) in the entire State”, sources said.
Source also pointed out, “presently, there was no proper mechanism in place for quality purchase of drugs as no tendering was held for branded drugs. The drugs were supplied first to medical institutions while their testing was held later. In between the period, a number of drugs were consumed by the patients, posing risk to their lives. Though the Drug Controller lifted the samples, their supply to the hospitals was not stopped”.
“The entire working of the Corporation has been jeopardised after the organisation was rendered headless about a month back after the then MD, Sheetal Nanda was transferred. For putting the system back on rails, till the appointment of a full-time head, it would be better if some experienced official is given additional charge of the Corporation”, sources added.