Yet another knee jerk reaction

B L Saraf
One  more incident  of  sexual offence  stares us upfront. On 5th  December,  the National Capital witnessed   a young female executive of MNC falling prey to  the lust  of a   rapist who  happened to be   her     taxi driver of app- based Taxi service,  run by   Uber service provider.
No wonder citizenry felt incensed ,  as it did in December 2012 when Nirbhaya was  brutally raped and murdered  in the same city.  The matter got   compounded when it came to the light that the accused driver had a fake character certificate issued by the Delhi police, for obtaining driving license.  Shocking , as it comes almost on the heels of the 2012 outrage and in the teeth of stringency  in the penal laws, concerning the sexual offences,  put by the Justice Verma Committee.
Crimes against the women   not only contravene domestic laws but also constitute a serious  breach  of obligation under the international conventions,  which India has ratified  along with  the  treaties  that  oblige protection of women from any kind of discrimination and sexual violence .
Though, this time police did act fast, arrested the offender and the seized the vehicle  yet   much has been left to be desired.
True, there is no use blaming police or  other law enforcement agencies all the time:  particularly, in the manner in which the dastardly act has  been committed   and made  difficult to   prevent.  It is also true that  it is practically impossible to have surveillance in every corner at every time. But  police cannot escape its primary duty to create an atmosphere where    a fear is instilled  among the potential offenders and the chance of mischief are, at least, minimised.
We will have to face the reality that the profile of  sexual offender has under gone a  sea change . Earlier, he used to be   a  known   bad  character, vagabond, school dropout  or a maniac of sorts. Today  he is a well read person, a friend, supposedly well bred  neighbour, a  sophisticated colleague or a relation of any age-a person with no previous case history.
The predator has changed    colours   and modus operandi. Should we, then, call it a bane or a boon of the ‘ open global markets’ and  ‘open societies’ ?   We are surely living in up and down  times. Though in an economic background but certainly not to be lost  in the given context, Allen Greenspan  sums up the issue  in his, widely read,  book – The Age Of Turbulence – Adventures  in A New World; “It is the age of turbulence, and it would be imprudent and immoral to minimise the human cost of its disruptions …………….”
We need   to find   out  what has    gone wrong  and   see  for  ourselves   where, the fashionable”Permissive Culture”, often  misplaced emphasis on ” Personal liberty ” of our  adolescent boys and girls,  public celebration of ” Kiss of Love ”  and   minimal   importance  given  to our age old  social  values,  have brought us to.
Element of exuberance has overtaken us.  “Exuberance is a celebration of life” Allan  Greenspan  tells it in the same book.  Ironically, most people of dubious moral fibre have taken the celebrations to the bestial lengths, as we see  it  in the ever growing tribe of the sexual  offenders. Tragically,  cultural and civilizational  norms   are failing to overcome momentary feelings of lust  of the   depraved. Here, Laws alone will not help.   As a  long term  measure  to curb such crimes, a larger societal change is required  through the medium of education and awareness . It will  be useful  to have a look at our past  and seek some guidance for the future . It was not for nothing that Winston Churchill  once  remarked  ” The further backward you look , the further forward    you can see .”
Few questions need to be answered. Is our urge to embrace’ open societies ‘- without being fully prepared – making us pay a cost in terms of  devaluation of our values  and ‘ moral disruptions’ which Allen Greenspan has alluded to in his book.
Are the sexual degradations of the offenders, therefore, “moral disruptions”-a  price we have to pay for   being a part of the “open societies.” Students of the sociology  should provide answers to these questions.
The Government has banned the Taxi provider.  It is  purely a knee- jerk reaction to the media rampage.   If  tomorrow  such a crime is committed in a public  transport should we  ban  it, then?  This banning spree will not do. Mindset  must  be changed.  State has to step in, so has the law.  But we have seen that despite stringent laws made in the wake of Nibhaya case nothing much  has changed on the ground. That makes a case for speedy trial of cases  of sexual nature. More than the severity of punishment it is the time bound certainty of the punishment,  to be meted out to the offender, that may work. Effort has to be made  in that direction. Criminal  Justice delivery system  should rise to the occasion .  Till that happens, let us be on guard against the predators,  masquerading as our friends, etc. For the vulnerable    females, caution should be the bye -word.
( The author is Former Principal District  & Sessions Judge)