Yet another scam

This time the object of corruption on a big scale is the Principal of Government Dental College in Srinagar. A written complaint has been made by an interested party in the court of the Special Judge Anti-Corruption, Kashmir alleging that misappropriation of funds on a large scale in purchase of Dental College medical equipment has happened in which the Principal of the College is directly involved. On the basis of this complaint, the Special Judge has ordered enquiry into the matter. Senior Superintendent Vigilance has been directed to take up the investigation of the case under Section 156 of Criminal Procedure Code. The complaint says that the principal of the Dental College accepted supply of certain machines at almost double the actual price, thus causing crores of rupees loss to the state exchequer. The difference between the actual price and the alleged price paid in the case of certain X-Ray machines is to the tune of over 26 lakh rupees. Now that the special judge has ordered the conduct of enquiry, it is hoped that the Senior Superintendent of Police will take up his job seriously and make an expeditious enquiry to fix the onus in case the allegation is proved. Exemplary punishment under rules should be handed out to the culprits so that others take a lesson from it. The Health Department of the State has been in focus for some time in respect of many irregularities. Despite that the authorities in the Health Ministry seem to be unmoved and even the Minister appears unphazed. This is not acceptable.