YNC demands roll back of NFSA

A meeting of Youth National Conference in progress at Anantnag.
A meeting of Youth National Conference in progress at Anantnag.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Feb 23: Terming the implementation of  National Food Security Act (NFSA) in J&K as a step in haste, Youth National Conference today demanded that the Act in its current form be rolled back and appealed the Governor to issue necessary orders in this regard.
In a joint statement Provincial president of  YNC Salman Ali Sagar and Provincial spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar while calling NFSA as anti-people said, “The way NFSA has been implemented in J&K speaks volumes about intentions of the Government. Notwithstanding large scale apprehensions with respect to the Act, the Government in its naivety went ahead and put in operation such an act which has left thousands of genuine ration card holders high and dry,”  they added.
“It seems that Government is pursuing an agenda aimed at putting divisions within the society by profiling Kashmiris based on their choice of sect/masalak. If not stopped immediately it has the potential of inflicting large scale damage in a sensitive place like Kashmir,” they maintained.
Meanwhile,   in a party convention organized at Anantnag and attended by MLA Pahalgam and South zone vice president Altaf  Kaloo, District president Anantnag Dr Syed Mohammad Shafi,  Constituency in-charges Ghulam Nabi Adigami, Iftikhar Misger and Riyaz Khan,  the youth leaders from Pulwama and Anantnag, lawyers, District president Youth Kulgam and other activists,  Salman questioned state machinery for its absolute disregard to the demands of people who are protesting against NFSA in every nook and corner of the state. “I fail to understand what prevents Government from doing a review to NFSA considering the ramifications it has for J&K and its people,” he said.
Lambasting the Government for its hasty decision while implementing NFSA in J&K, Imran said, “The irony is that when PDP-BJP Government was in place, they missed no chance in eulogizing the Act but now they too, are questioning the Act. It is strange considering they are the ones who put this Act in black and white and are now trying to fool people with such theatrics, ” they said.