LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath here on Saturday said the State Government was taking initiatives to provide easy, swift and affordable justice to all.
Expressing concern over atrocities against women and children, he said 111 additional family courts would be set up across the state with a view to clear pending cases.
The CM said this while addressing the 18th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World, organised by a chain of school.
”India had always been a peace-loving country and is standing firmly against terrorism of all sorts,” he said, adding that Article 51 of the Indian Constitution clearly indicates that “our country favours world unity and international peace.”
Hailing the efforts of the Central government for reformation of justice delivery system in the country, Mr Adityanath said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was trying to scrap 1,100 old and useless laws to make judicial system even better.
On World Bank’s report of ‘ease of doing business’ the CM said that no country, except India, had climbed 30 notches in a year. India was ranked 100th out of 190 countries surveyed, registering 30-point jump from last year.
The CM said that the state government was working to ensure better environment for business in order to boost development pace. “UP Government is focusing on rural areas to provide better business opportunities,” he added.
The State Government was planning to open commercial course centres across state, he said and pointed out, “In the initial phase, 13 big cities will have such centres that will be run with the help of joint venture franchisees.”
The initiative will help equip youngsters with knowledge of business practices and help them to get employment.
Mr Adityanath said the need of the hour was that the international community should come together to achieve ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina’ (Peace to all on earth). “It will unite the whole world against evil powers,” he pointed out.