Young Panthers lambasts AIP, Hurriyat for subversive remarks

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 11: Admonishing severely the attempt of AIP (Awami Ittehad Party)  and Hurriyat Conference to jeopardize the proposal of granting the citizen rights to the refugees of West Pakistan, Young Panthers warned the anti-national and separatist forces to refrain from making the subversive and sectarian remarks.
Gagan Pratap Singh, spokesman Young Panthers strongly rebutted the remarks of AIP president Er Rashid which quoted that rehabilitating the West Pakistan refugees would be against the justice and would destroy the majority character of Muslims in the State.
Gagan reminded AIP that Panthers Party will always stand and express solidarity with the refugees and fight for their rights in all odds and circumstances till the justice is delivered to them.
Singh revealed that the anti-national rants of Er. Rashid citing that the Central Government instead should allow the Muslims who fled the State during the partition in 1947 to return and send back the refugees presently residing in the State should be condemned by all the Nationalistic forces and the people like Rashid who has been spreading communal hatred and inciting sedition should be immediately disqualified from the membership of the legislature and booked under the law.
Gagan lamented that it was an irony that the people who voluntarily fled to Pakistan from the State in 1947 had been granted citizen rights there but the refugees of West Pakistan who had taken the shelter in J&K have been left in lurch for the last 67 years.
Gagan Pratap also castigated Hurriyat Confernce Chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani for his inflammatory remarks which quoted that any move to settle the refugees would set afire and complicate the uncertainty prevailing over the Government formation in the State.
Young Panthers reiterated that the creation of Jammu State, Kashmir State and Leh-Gilgit State in the context of ‘Reorganization’ is the only viable solution to save the people from further death and destruction. Others who were present in the press conference included Shankar Singh Chib, Advocate Vilakshan Singh, Neeraj Gupta, Rajesh Gondhi and  Anil Rakwal.