‘Youth need education, jobs not gaurakshaks, vigilantes’

The country’s youth do not need cow protection committees or anti-Romeo squads, but education and jobs, the CPI(M) said in a veiled attack on BJP-led governments at the Centre and in UP.
CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury insisted the Centre should marshal the country’s resources by recovering bad loans allegedly taken by big corporates, to create infrastructure and provide the youth with jobs.
“They (youth) need education, good health and jobs…Not cow protection committees, anti-Romeo squads or issues on which they can be emotionally distracted from the main purpose of building a better India,” Yechury said.
He made the remarks in a video posted on his Twitter account.
The Left leader further asked the government to recover bad loans to the tune of Rs 11 lakh crore from big corporate houses and also stop offering them tax rebates, which he said, run into Rs 5 lakh crore.
“Build our roads, canals, irrigation systems, prevent our ‘kisans’ (farmers) from committing suicide. All this is possible if we are able to marshal our resources,” he added. (PTI)