Yuva Rajput Sabha constitutes Legal Cell

Office bearers of Yuva Rajput Sabha Legal Cell.
Office bearers of Yuva Rajput Sabha Legal Cell.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 28: Yuva Rajput Sabha (YRS), with a motive to further strengthen the Sabha and extend legal aid to the needy, has constituted its Legal Cell for the State.
This was disclosed by Rajveer Singh, YRS president, while addressing a press conference here today. He informed that Rohan Singh has been nominated as president of Legal Cell, Arvind Jalmeria and Lakhan Partap Singh as vice presidents, Abhinav Jamwal, Mukesh Singh, Tara Chib and Varinder Dev Singh as general secretaries while Mandeep Singh, Akhileshwar Jamwal, Rohni Charak and Vishal Salaria has been nominated as secretaries.
Rajveer said that Legal Cell will further strengthen the Sabha. He reiterated that YRS shall touch new heights with the support of lawyer fraternity and shall reach to the needy who are unable to get legal assistance due to their financial condition or due to any other reason. He said that Rajput community has lots of hopes from the YRS and it is expected that by the constitution of its Legal Cell, YRS shall deliver best for the upliftment of the community.
He said that Rajputs are the real creators of the J&K State who fought tooth and nail to extend the boundaries of Jammu State to Kashmir, Gilgit, Baltistan, touching the boundaries of Afganistan, China, etc but unfortunately Rajput community is being ignored and thrown in shambles since 1947 when Kashmiri Rulers took over Maharaja Hari Singh ji. He appealed the people of J&K in general and Rajput lawyers practicing in different courts of the State in particular to follow the path shown by Maharaja Hari Singh ji and become the soldiers of Rajput community to fulfill the dreams of Maharaja Hari Singh ji.
He further said that YRS is committed to fight for declaring 23rd Sept as a gazetted holiday in the State and formation of Rajput Welfare Board. “Rajput Lawyers joining hands with Sabha shall further intensify their fight for the rights of the community”, he added.