Yuva Rajput Sabha holds meet, highlights demands

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 1: A meeting of Yuva Rajput Sabha was today held at Basant Palace here at Bantalab, which was attended by more than 400 youth from Rajput Community from all districts of the State.
The meeting discussed various grievances of the community and highlights demands for their upliftment.
Speaking on the occasion Rajinder Singh accused the present president of Rajput Sabha, for using the Sabha for his benefits. He said the president failed to work for the betterment of the community since last fourteen years.
He also accused the State Government for giving step motherly treatment and doing discrimination with the community since last 66 years. He asked the community members to unite themselves and work with togetherness for the upliftment of the community in both urban and rural areas of the State.
The main demands that were made during the meeting included holding of elections of Sabha immediately with proper procedures, commencement of membership of Rajput Sabha, reducing membership fee and to declare birthday of Maharaj Hari Singh a State holiday.
The Sabha also demanded Yuva demanded special educational institutes and professional degree colleges, besides Rajput hostels for the Rajput Community in the State for the Rajput students coming from far flung and rural areas of the State. The speakers also demanded renaming of University of Jammu as Maharaja Hari Singh University,