Zanaskar range bridge

This has reference to the news item ‘After Maharaja’s period, a village in Zanskar Range gets required focus’ DE Dec 4.
The bridge was probably much older than this. It is already mentioned in an early account by the naturalist Thomson published in 1852: “a wooden bridge, without side-rails, forty or fifty feet above the surface of the water, was thrown over at the narrowest part, where the stream was hemmed in by high rocky walls, and was, I think not more than forty feet broad. […] The banks of the river did not seem to be at all practicable, and I was informed that it was only when the river was frozen that travellers could proceed down it to Le” (Thomson 1852/1979: 377-8). Reference: Thomson, T. (1852/1979). Western Himalaya and Tibet: a Narrative of a Journey through the Mountains of Northern India during the years 1847-48. Kathmandu, Ratna Pustak Bhandar.
Yours etc…..
Jonathan Demenge