Zanskar under trauma

In early 2015 a natural calamity befell Zanskar sub-division of Kargil district. It is the northern most part of the country and also a very strategic area from military point of view. The calamity was that following massive landslides, an artificial lake got created because of blockade of Phuktal River in Zanskar. Serious threat was caused to the life of human beings and animals that came under the affect of the rising water of this artificial lake. Governor took up the matter with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). After hectic efforts, a joint task force of the Army, Air Force and the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) created a channel through the landslide blockade to drain out water from the artificial lake in a controlled manner. But on May 7, 2015 this artificial lake in Zanskar suddenly burst and the water began to overflow its banks. The gushing waters caused massive damage in downstream villages. Eight bridges were washed away and canals and works executed by Rural Development Department were extensively damaged. Total loss was assessed at Rs 32.67 crore. Rupees ten crores were immediately released to Kargil District administration under State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) for temporary restoration of damaged assets. State Government decided to utilize 15 crore rupees from the PM’s Development Package. Two years have gone by and the Finance Ministry has not released a single penny for the purpose. Due to the inordinate delay in restoring the damages to the assets in Zanskar, people have become disappointed and also even suspicious whether the Governments in State and in Delhi are really interested in mitigating their misery. It is strange that the authorities are not moved even on such a large scale catastrophe that has engulfed this far off and strategically important area of our State. Where is the State Damage Controlling Authority and when it will come into action now that two years have gone by? The suffering of the people seems to continue for how long nobody can predict. Even the Deputy Commissioner Kargil confirmed that neither funds under PMDP nor under State Plan have been received for permanent restoration of damaged infrastructure in Zanskar Sub-Division till date. This is a sad story and when the Government does not come to their rescue in times of great disaster what can they expect from it in peace time.