Zero “tolerance” against narcotics

To effectively take on those who brazenly and heartlessly deal with poison (narcotics and drugs of different hues) or are directly or indirectly involved in the heinous crime of trade and commerce of drugs, it is pertinent that periodic reviews at higher levels are made. In such meetings, inputs and feedback in respect of seizures of the stuff, arrests of criminals and traffickers, levels of and progress in investigations, filing of charge-sheets in courts and importantly, the conviction rate enable the authorities chalk out strategies and plan targets oriented initiatives. It has more connotations than looks in the ordinary course as the trade and its sale proceeds are connected with and providing oxygen and financial backing to terror networks. Hence, the scourge is a double edged sword and needs to be broken into pieces.
Recently, such a meeting of concerned officers chaired by the Director General of Police of Jammu and Kashmir must lend more stress on pre-emptive measures or containing and thwarting any attempt to reach the sale outlets with drugs and narcotics and arresting the criminals before they succeeded in inflicting irretrievable damages on the users who turn out to be addicts soon thereafter. Zero tolerance should not be an empty truism or a slogan only but an inspiration to take head on very effectively, those who are associated with the clandestine and detestable trade of drugs. Constituting separate fast track courts must form the core of strategies.