Zero tolerance towards terrorists resolve of Modi Govt: Pathania

Zero tolerance towards terrorists resolve of Modi Govt: Pathania

Excelsior Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, Dec 31: While addressing a number of largely attended programmes at GS Banj, Dhema, Manwal areas of Majalta, Ranbir Singh Pathania, spokesperson BJP said that resolve of Government in dealing with terrorism has been unflinching.
Ensuring welfare and well being of the people of J&K and zero tolerance towards terrorism remains Govt’s hallmarks. He welcomed banning of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat by UT Government. Earlier also J&K Muslim League (Masarrat Alam faction) was banned. Both the organizations have been declared as ‘unlawful associations’ under the UAPA. These associations were proactively promoting secessionist activities in J&K. Whosoever is found guilty of disturbing the atmosphere whether any individual or any organization shall be dealt with sternly.
After Aug 5, 2019 there is renewed confidence and a new atmosphere which has led to the shrinking of space for the secessionist activities. The people of J&K have come to believe in the idea of India, mutual progress and peace. Local trade, tourism and employment is the buzz word. In a most transparent way almost 30000 jobs have been given to youth. The influx of tourism is all time high crossing the two crore mark. He further said that there has been a big swoop on Narco terrorism, hawala funding, certain media houses, unwanted movement of foreign exchanges. And space for mischievous forces has virtually shrunk.
People and forces which have been dividing and creating dissensions in the people stand exposed and marginalised. All-out campaign of Government against terrorism, corruption and secessionism has set a trend and rather a wave in J&K whereby people have come to heave a sigh of relief. In his concluding remarks he made a scathing attack on secessionist forces and said that forces which have bred secession, promoted division, spread hatred stand exposed now.
The local issues projected included compensation for Snote to G.S Banj road, starting of High School G.S Banj to Mottu/Panjian road, Macadamization of Snote to G.S Banj road, Koalu Chakka, Ambu Rajua and High School G.S Banj roads under phase-IV, Dhar road to Sortha road. They also called for provision of ration facility at Chakka-Rajua areas of the G.S Banj, bus service from Ramnagar to Siamery, provision of staff in MS Chakka and GHSS GS Banj.