“Zubin Mehta’s Concert And Geelani’s Congenital Itch”

B L Saraf
The German   embassy  in India  is  scheduled to   hold  a cultural programme  in Shalimar gardens, Srinagar, on  7th September.
Internationally   renowned   orchestra  conductor  Zubin Mehta  is slated to perform in the show. Syed   Ali Shah Geelani   is up to what has,  now, remained    his  only job .  Cry   for a    hartaal:   ” I appeal to  the people  of Kashmir Valley, Chenab, Poonch and Rajouri belt of Jammu  region  to observe   a complete shut down on 7th  September.”   His grouse is that the concert is aimed  at” turning the focus  away” from Kashmir.  Then, in the  wild flight of imagination  he    accuses  Mehta  of  “propagating  the Israeli agenda.” Geelani’s   call  against the musician    has  come on the heels of grand Mufti’s   opposition to the Valley’s only  girl musical band,  decreeing music  anti –  religion. Though,  it is a different matter that soon after issuing  the dictate  against the band   the’ venerable’  religious leader was  seen enjoying  a musical programme in the idyllic  ambience   of Char              chinari in a roving boat. Irrespective  of the fact    whether the programme    holds on   or not,  certain     points need to be made .
Geelani Sahib,  Kashmir has lost the’  kind    of   focus ‘ which,  in a  misplaced notion ,  is   congenitally     ingrained  in your thought   and  mind     long before you  endorsed  the bloody armed  ‘movement’ in  the Valley.  And  whatever  little  mention it would receive in highly  bigoted and interested  international quarters  got lost   courtesy  your  support to the armed  militancy in Kashmir . So ,do  not   sulk.  Syed Sahib,   to  your  credit, your love for Pakistan and  its rabid   communal elements is   not concealed    That you  profess as a birth right. So, whatever those  elements do and propose to do there, on cue, you take   the line. Seen thus, there is something more in your diatribe against the Shalimar concert than is  apparent.   After all,  art  of any kind, except  that of gun games,  is  a  much  despised commodity   in the  country of your dreams.    First, they  banned  You-Tube;  then late night telephone packages got the axe.  Is music on the  chop ? In a Pakistani  enlightened  journalist, we   do find an answer for you. Babber   Sattar,  a   columnist  in    Dawn  apprehends  so.
He,  in a scintillating sarcasm,   brings out the sorry  state of affairs in Pakistan and   castigates  the rabid    elements      in his column:  “First You-Tube was banned. Now  it’s late night telephone  packages.   What is  next ?   Music,   for it  gives  the impressionable all kinds of crazy ideas of love  and idealism?  Poetry, which   incites   the emotions of the young  if it is  of the romantic variety, or worse  still. encourages   dissent and revolt against  the  status – quo   if it is the serious stuff written  by  Faiz    or   Faraz  ?”  By  banning  music  you are   putting fetters on  thought  process and critical  speech, as some may want to evaluate the performance critically.  You may have  your reasons for opposing Indian state but  you have no  right  to  hold the  art lovers  to ransom.   Surely    there are  better ways to protest   and  make a  point . Here,  a   Kashmir    civil society  group seems to have a better idea  to ” bring back the focus ” on Kashmir  . They have decided to organise a  parallel  programme  titled  “Haqeeqat-e – Kashmir  “on the same day of Mehta’s performance.
Pakistan,  in  general  , can’t be considered a role model. Even otherwise a fairly liberal minded  person, Imran  Khan too has  let down some of his   fans in Pakistan  by adopting  a  crude  sectarian  political stance. His  PTI   Government    lost no time  in restoring  the   Jihadi content  in the text books  which was removed by  earlier ANP  government in    Khyber    Pakhtoonkhwa  province.
Anyone  criticising  the concert is understandable.    Be  it unpleasant. But at  the same time we must  put  questions  to Geelani Sahib  and his ilk   on their seemingly  irrational  behaviour.  Difference of opinion is far more acceptable than acquiescence  .
Meek deference as against independence of thought   and acquiescence have  made no value addition  to our   society.   That is why it  is on the  decline.   Various forces have contributed to the weakening  of    the   communal bond in   J & K. The   octogenarian leader would  do  a  lot of  good to his ‘ followers ‘  if he stops segregating people   on  the  communal lines.  His  reference to Valley and some selected   parts in Jammu region   in his   boycott call  has  ominous  potential  to disturb    communal peace in the State. The  unfortunate  scars of  Kishtwar  are too fresh to be reopened there   or  anywhere else  in the State .
In   J &K ‘s    present    socio political context,   Pakistani columnist’s     concluding words  must ring  a warning:   “And if we have decided as a state and society that rotten traditions must be perpetuated, criticism and change   must be penalized, and law must be used to inject reverence and morality  into ordinary Pakistani, let’s forget  about You -Tube, grow beards and join hands with the Taliban . We probably have more in common  than  we  realize. ” Choice   is ours. Time to  make it  wisely.
(The author is former Pr. District & Sessions Judge)