Zulfkar reviews functioning of FCS&CA Deptt Jammu

JAMMU: Minister for Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FCS&CA) and Information Chowdhary Zulfkar Ali today reiterated that providing adequate supply of ration to the people in  fair and transparent manner is priority of the government.

The Minister said this during a review meeting held with the senior functionaries of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FCS&CA) department.

Commissioner Secretary FCS&CA Department, Shafiq Ahmed Raina, Director FCS&CA, Ch Rashid Azam Inquilabi, Joint Director FCS &CA, Deputy Director(Planning), Assistant Directors, Tehsil Supply Officers besides other senior functionaries  of the department were present in the meeting.

During the meeting, the Minister reviewed stock and supply position of food grains in Jammu region. He was informed that the food grain stock has been dispatched to the districts.

The Minister said that government has launched various welfare schemes so that people could be facilitated with all basic amenities especially designed for socio economic empowerment of people belonging to weaker sections.

He impressed upon the FCS & CA functionaries to maintain financial discipline and all records properly adding any laxity in the regard would not be tolerated and strict action would be taken against the erring officials. He directed the officers to personally monitor the fair price shops on regular basis and update day to day activities for effective functioning.

The Minister, while reviewing the status of Aadhaar seeding of rationees, said that the move will help to eradicate duplicity besides enforcing transparency and accountability. He emphasized on early completion of the whole process so that the benefit reach to the deserving lot in a hassle free manner.

The Minister also reviewed the status of distribution of new ration cards and directed the officers to complete the distribution of the remaining in a time bound manner.